Lazy Rules #1:
Shielding yourself from negativity will help you in many ways such as strengthening your thought processfor better personality development, focusing on solutions instead of problems and attaining peace of mind in nearly all kind of tough circumstances.
The intention of staying away from negativity is not to ignore the tough realities, rather to change your focus on things which matter most so as to change these tough circumstances. For example, keep worrying about joblessness will not bring you a new job. Instead, Focusing on applying for jobs, developing interviewing skills, reading personality development articles, refreshing your knowledge will definitely improve your probability of getting new job.
Focus is very important tool to shield yourself from negativity. Remember the fact that what you focus on, increases. Which means if you focus on negative things, you will end up having negative personality. On the contrary, if you focus on finding solutions to the problems, you will be successful; sooner or later. Your focus decides the direction of your thoughts; your thoughts give birth to actions. These consistent actions become your habits and eventually make your overall personality.