HREOnline's Legal Clinic

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Cargill profits up 41 percent in second quarter
Cargill reported net earnings of $784 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2015. That’s a 41 percent increase from a year ago.
Muyang Holdings
FAO: Global food prices down in December
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said global food prices fell in December after three months of stability.
The key role of selenium in the anti-oxidative defence system
The importance to identify the most efficient and reliable source of selenium for animal nutrition must be considered carefully.
Monsanto reports 34 percent drop in quarterly profit
Monsanto reported a 34 percent drop in quarterly profit, partly due to lower corn acreage in South America and a shift in timing of some sales. However, the decline was not as steep as some analysts had expected.
Arm & Hammer/Animal Nutrition Group
Analysts urge farmers to sell off soybeans
Some analysts say farmers may want to seriously consider selling some of their soybeans.
Switch on lifetime performance in pigs with new ‘Accelerator’
Learn how pig producers are slaughtering over 4 kgs heavier or 5 days earlier by only offering up to 200g of new accelerator for neonate pigs.
New VIV MEA show becomes 3rd VIV international hub
VIV Worldwide is proud to announce VIV MEA as its new regional trade show that will be held February 16-18, 2016, in Abu Dhabi.
VNU Exhibitions Europe
Are Chinese herbs an alternative to antibiotics?
Recent studies have indicated that certain Chinese herbs used as feed additives can modulate nutritional metabolism, immune responses, and the intestinal health of pigs and poultry.
United Soybean Board
Sponsored Content
Whitepaper: Non-medicated growth promoters (NMGP’s)
Learn how organic acids, enzymes, herbs, phytogenic additives and probiotics can be used for growth performance and feed conversion efficiency.
Sponsored by Norel Animal Nutrition

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January 12, 2015
Highlights from Human Resource Executive® magazine and HREOnline.com.

Broken Promises

A new study shows that some employees are more productive when faced with organizational change.

Hitting the Mark

Bersin by Deloitte research connects "high-impact" employee-goal-setting practices with improved business outcomes.

A GOP Effect on the NLRB?

For employers looking to blunt union-organizing efforts this year, the road to success just got even rockier, thanks to three recent National Labor Relations Board decisions. But will a Republican-controlled Congress provide any relief for employers?

Career Prep 101

Pushed by dissatisfied employers as well as parents and students concerned about the value of a degree, many colleges are taking a more proactive approach to preparing their students for the workplace.

The ACA and International Assignees

Large employers need to bear in mind the implications of differing laws for international assignees and take steps to address compliance for their globally mobile employee base.
Snippets From 
  • New research finds that those who reported support from their colleagues—and not their managers—were less likely to experience insomnia and the inevitable burnout that comes with it when dealing with news reports about terroristic events than those who didn’t, writes Editor David Shadovitz.
  • Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said the company plans to make its workforce much more representative of the U.S. population — at all levels of the organization — by 2020 and is committing $300 million to the effort, writes Senior Editor Andrew R. McIlvaine.
  • A legal expert says employers face a much more challenging landscape for defending workplace class-action litigation in 2015, writes Staff Writer Mark McGraw.
  • As a contributor on the Forbes website recently put it, it’s “a tragedy when HR people are assigned to spout policies and process performance reviews rather than to serve as the ministers of culture every organization needs,” writes Web Editor Michael J. O’Brien.
  • Managing Editor Kristen B. Frasch shares what workplace and demographic expert Bruce Tulgan calls the six things employees “really care about.”
    Video of the Week
  • MIT Principal Research Scientist Andrew McAfee discusses some of challenges of the “second machine age” in excerpts from his opening keynote at the 2014 HR Technology Conference and Exposition®.

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    Sales information: Sharon Staehle - sstaehle@lrp.com
    Editorial: Michael J. O&#8217Brien - mobrien@lrp.com