Int'l conference - paper publication in Annexure 2- Anna university- reg

Call for Papers

International Journal of
Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA)
ISSN  : 0975-0290 (Print)                                                     ISSN  : 0975-0290 (Online)

The IJANA is a bi-monthly Journal published by Eswar Publications focusing papers related to networking and its applications since 2009.
Impact Factor of the Journal is :  3.462  
Index Copernicus Value ICV 5.36 points.

The journal is welcomed and supported by the academicians, researchers and students from various parts of the Globe. The journal is already indexed by the following abstracting / indexing services
Inline image 1  Inline image 2 Inline image 3 Inline image 4 Inline image 5 Inline image 6 Inline image 7Inline image 8

To make your paper published in one of the standard journal, we welcome the unpublished paper from the authors.

Send your unpublished paper for the consideration in the forthcoming issues to editor.ijana@gmail.com.

Have a nice day.

With regards

Editorial Team, IJANA

Dear Sir/Madam,

                 Greetings from Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Professional Group of Institutions,Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. To encourage research and development, we are conducting an International Conference on Applied Research in Engineering and Management- ICAREM 2015 .

 All the accepted papers will be published in any one of the journals listed below.

1.International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Sl.No.8565).
2.ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences(sl.No.1765)
3.Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research(Sl.No.15772)
4.International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering(Sl.No.9077)
5.Middle East Journal of Scientific Research (Sl.No.14378)
6.World Applied Sciences Journal(Sl.No.20411)

These journals are indexed in SCOPUS and in Anna University Annexure II as on date. For more details log on to http://icarem.cpress.in.

Symposium Events are also conducted as an encouragement to student community.

Event 1: Circuit debugging
Event 2: Code debugging
Event 3: CAD modeling
Event 4: Project Expo

Hope to see you at the conference. Kindly forward to your friends, collegues, student friends and those who may be interested.
You may contact us at: 8489323883


With regards

ganesh mech <ganeshmech438@gmail.com>
Dear Participant,
For UG Scholars( for bulk participation from same college.
Symposium event participation- Rs.300
Symposium paper presentation-Rs.300
Online publication and certificate for paper presentation- Rs. 750