Shine under Stress

A free workshop on
‘Shine under Stress’
(Strategies for Success in Exams)
 (Project-Campus 2 Corporate)

Dear Sir/Madam

I am in your professional circle on Linked In.  I am a Baroda (Gujarat) based soft skills and English language trainer. I am writing to you to with an offer of assistance to help your students to secure good marks in coming exams.

The most important & a very difficult hurdle which every student has to cross year after year is writing exams.  Board exams are especially really traumatic experience for many students and parents as well.Every year we read about students who even take extreme step just before exams/board exams.

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However, doing well in exams is the first step towards achieving success in life and can not be ignored.  Unfortunately, expert advice to students about how to prepare and write exams is missing.

Hence, in order to guide students properly about how to prepare properly for exams so that they can attempt it without any stress, The English Academy has created this workshop Shine under Stress (Strategies for Success in Exams)
This free workshop guides the students about how to prepare for the exams, what to do in the examination hall to get maximum marks and what to do even after every test to minimize stress for the next test.  What should be done to overcome tension, if one becomes tense and nervous during writing exam is also part of the workshop.

Do you want to have this workshop conducted in your institute? Contact us atenglishacademybaroda@gmail.com or 88666 80407 to fix mutually convenient date. We have conducted this workshop in about 25 institutes so far.

We also conduct workshops on many other soft skills improvement for educational institutes through our Smart Students Program under our project Campus 2 Corporate. We offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes. Please visit link http://bit.ly/sarwansingh for further details of all of our programs for educational institutes.

Looking forward to be of assistance to your institutes as well 
With regards,

Sarwan Singh
(M) 88666 80407