Editor-in-Chief at Africa Development and Resources Research Institute Journal

Dear Author,
ADRRI Journal your monthly double blind, peer review journal with impact factor for 2013 to be GIF 0.125 and an IC Value of 5.15 has just published its February, 2014 issue.
Currently, ADRRI runs the following journals:
1. ADRRI Journal (Multi-disciplinary)

2. ADRRI Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
Subject: Medicine, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, Biochemistry, Health care, Public health, nursing
3. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences
Subject: Business, Management, Economic, Marketing, Administration, Finance and Accounting, Policy and International studies, library, archives and information studies, Secretaryship, education, purchasing and Supply, Procurement
4. ADRRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
Subject: Environmental and Resource Economics, hospitality, fishery, horticulture
5. ADRRI Journal of Engineering and Technology
Subject: Mechanical, electrical, petroleum, geology, architecture, building and technology, Gas, Energy, etc
6. ADRRI Journal of Natural and Physical Sciences
Subject: Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Biology, etc
You are invited to submit your original research papers to info@adrri.org for publication in the March, 2014 Issue. Check the website to view the current publication at : http://journal.adrri.org/aj/p/current-issue
Call for Papers Date: 15th April, 2014
Submission Deadline: 10th May, 2014
ADRRI journal has been indexed and abstracted in the Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI),

journal.adrri.org journal.adrri.org
