International Journal of Research in Science & Technology

Dear Author,
It is our immense pleasure to invite you to submit manuscripts of your original paper for publication in International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research and International Journal of Research in Science & Technology.  The Journal focuses on integrating theory, research and practice in the area of Business Management, Engineering, Information Technology and selected areas of Social Sciences i.e. Political Science,   Public Administration, History, Psychology. It aspires to bring academicians, researchers, industry professionals, entrepreneurs and development practitioners together and aims at publishing and promoting their original high quality work.


Authors should electronically submit full length paper in MS word, maximum 8 -10 pages, Single columns, Times New Roman font size 12 with 1" margin on all four side.

1.    International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research

2.    International Journal of Research in Science & Technology

Deadline for submission of Research Articles: 05.05.14
Author will get complimentary copy of journal along with publication certificate after publication of the paper. 
You are kindly requested to circulate the mail among the faculty colleagues and peers. If you have any query regarding the journal, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your participation and research articles from your esteemed institution.
With Best Regards
Publishing Editor

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