(An open access scholarly, online, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal)

Visit us: http://ijirae.com   Email us: editor@ijirae.com

We would like to invite Professor/ Research Scholars/PG Students to contribute their research papers to IJIRAE.


Smooth, Simple and up to date publishing of Review and Research Articles
Dear Author/Researcher
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE, ISSN: 2278-2311 (Online) invites you to submit research paper for publishing in Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2014.
Research Paper Submission for Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2014

Subject Category: Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Radio Engineering, Agriculture and Food Engineering.
Paper Submission Email ID: editor@ijirae.com
Important Dates
Deadline for submitting manuscript   April 20, 2014
Author Notification   within 1-3 Days after submission
Online Publishing   21 April, 2014 
Submission Procedure:  Researchers/ Scholars are invited to submit original papers in IJIRAE Paper Template Format (attached here with). 
For author’s convenience, we strongly do the following:

1. Quick response will be given for submitted papers within 8 hours along with paper ID.
2. Author(s) will get their acceptance / rejection notification within 3 days. 
3. All the accepted papers will be open accessible with full PDF format.
4. Maximum of Three authors are permitted for each research paper.
5. Have proficient Editorial Board Members to improve the quality of research papers submitted to IJIRAE. 
6. Indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, Citeseer, Citefactor,Scientificcommons,Microsoft Academic Search, Jour Informatics,Scirus,ULRICHS,Proquest... 

Publication Charges :

Rs.2700 / 80 USD (Foreign Authors) online publications only
Online Payment : Indian authors can pay Using CC Avenue,Foreign authors can Pay using Paypal 

SERVICES to Conference Organizers for SPECIAL ISSUE

Conference organizers can send a request mail to the Editor-in-Chief about the conference dates, name of conference and contact number of the conference organizers. 

For any National/ International conference, we will take care of the following:
1. Publish papers as SPECIAL ISSUE [Online publication] once the conference is completed. [Papers published in 10 to 15 days from the day of conference] 
2. Print the papers as SPECIAL ISSUE [Hard copy of proceedings]
3. Soft copy of proceedings through CD format.
4. Participation or Publication Certificates to each author of the paper  [Both hard copy and soft copy]

Queries are welcome

Best Regards,

Editor in Chief
Editorial Support Team,
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE)
AM Publications
Contact :+917402613921