Miracle Workers for one another

There are some words you hear or read that never go away. “We exist to be miracle workers for one another,” comes from Sr  Joan Chittister, who goes on to make the point that really, it is in community, when we live harmoniously with others, that we are called to grow.
Story has taught this in many ways, and recently I re-read an old tale, but this time with fresher eyes and ears, as I held these words in my mind and heart. In ‘The Bremen Town Musicians’, a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster, all past their prime, their usefulness to their owners now at an end, are mistreated, soon to be discarded by their owners. One by one they leave home and joining up with each other, they set out for Bremen, a town in Germany.
The characters never actually arrive in Bremen,  but it’s significant that it is named in the title, as it was a town known for its freedom. There, they plan to earn a living as musicians, imagining they have a talent for this.
On the way, they come to cottage and overhear four robbers feasting and dividing their ill-gotten gains. Standing on each other's backs to get a better look, the hungry animals decide to perform for the men in hope of being given a meal. Their 'music' - a cacophony of braying, crowing, mewing and barking cause the frightened men to run for their lives. The animals enjoy the abandoned meal and settle in for the evening.
Later that night, the robbers return, sending one of their members in to investigate. The cat's eyes are shining in the darkness and thinking that’s the coals of a fire, the robber reaches over to light his candle. The startled cat claws at his face, the dog bites his leg, the donkey kicks him and the rooster flies to the roof squawking loudly. He runs out yelling about a horrible witch who scratched him with her long fingernails, an ogre with a knife, a giant who hit him with a club, and worst of all, a banshee who screamed from the rooftop. The robbers abandon the cottage, and the animals live there happily for the rest of their days.
The story ends up being about getting old but refusing to become ‘useless’, finding new friends and working together in community; in fact, about being miracle workers for each other.
A folktale from Hawaii, teaches much the same thing. Two large mynah birds spied a ripe mango hanging from a tree; the fruit was perfect, ready to eat. The older bird declared, "I've lived longer than you. I should be the one to eat this luscious fruit!" "You're old and can learn no more," replied the younger, puffing out his chest, "I will be in charge after you're gone so the mango should be mine!"
Rising into the air, they attacked each other again and again. In the midst of this, a mother and father sparrow pecked small pieces from the mango to feed their large hungry family. Flying together back and forth from the nest to the fruit, the sparrows carried piece after piece into their fledglings' open mouths. Finally the children were full and fell asleep.
After hours of squabbling, the mynahs collapsed, tired and hungry. They turned to look at their prize mango, and much to their surprise, saw hardly anything was left.
When we feel connected and supported by each other, we all thrive; but we all lose out when connection and support are not found.
Source:TTOI 11th April