
6th Business Responsibility Summit 2014
Theme: “Embedding Social Responsibility in Corporate DNA – Making CSR a Resource
Case Study Contest on  “CSR Practice contributing towards Responsible Business - Practical Cases with Tangible Results”
27-28 June, 2014, Hotel Le-Meridian, New Delhi
All India Management Association (AIMA) as the national apex body of management profession has been organizing an annual congregation of business leaders, civil society activists and academics since 2008; the Business Responsibility Summit. The Summit has become a prominent platform to deliberate on the need, relevance and ways of creating a new consciousness for businesses to conduct themselves in a responsible manner.
Event Details

Business responsibility has moved from being voluntary goodness to must-do requirement. The new Companies Act has made it mandatory for companies to spend a 2% of their net profits on CSR initiatives. In absence of expertise and experience in the domain, most of Indian companies will struggle to abide by the law. Outsourcing CSR may not be sustainable. Now, corporate boards need to embed CSR in the DNA of their companies.

The 6th Business Responsibility Summit presents 2 days of captivating deliberations and intellectual insights that would throw light on specific aspects of business action towards a sustainable future. The Summit will explore the challanges posed by the new CSR law and explore the different approches to aligning business with the mandated role as change agent.

Mr Shankar Venateswaran, Chief- Tata Sustainability Group, Tata Sons Ltd is steering this initiative as its Summit Chairman. Ernst and Young is the knowledge partner for the Summit.
Case Study Contest

As part of the summit, AIMA is also organizing a Case Study Contest on Best CSR Practice. The Topic of the contest is “CSR Practice contributing towards Responsible Business – Practical Cases with Tangible Results” to encourage and involve companies, institutions and business schools from across the country to showcase their CSR and Responsible Business practices.

The top 3 case studies will be invited to make presentations during a Special Session at the Summit. The Best 10 case studies will be distributed at the Summit in the form of a Special Booklet that will signify India’s Responsible Business movement and will become a guiding source for others to follow for wider good

Knowing your commitment to Responsible Business Practices & CSR initiatives, I am writing to you with a very special request to participate in this exciting Case Study Contest to present the various CSR initiatives taken by your Organisation.The case study should focus on specific CSR initiatives instituted by yourOrganisation to strengthen Responsible Business.

A copy of the Case Study Guidelines, Consent Form & the Summit Flyer are attached for your kind reference.

The last date of submitting the case study in hardcopy is 21 May 2014

I do hope you will join in celebrating the spirit of Responsible Business. We look forward to receiving your early response and registrations


Ashu Yadav
Manager – Centre for Management DevelopmentAll India Management Association (AIMA)Management House, 14 Institutional AreaLodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Tel: 91-11- 24608511 (D), 4312 8100, 24645100 Extn- 238
Mobile : +91 - 9811 427738Fax: 91-11-2460 8503