Publish your article in an International Journal

Steward Knightley Publishing House
An International refereed Journal
Dear Sir/ma'am,
We publish five international refereed journals. The basic and foremost aim of publishing these journals is to flourish the research activities and the professors and research scholars could get right platform and motivation to publish their research articles at international level journal. These international journals would be helpful to uplift the professors’ and research scholar’s career in their teaching journey, at last.
The list of international refereed journals we publish are:-
(1)    Steward Business Review (ISSN No. – 2320- 9399)
(Related areas- Business Management, HR, Marketing, Finance, Commerce, Economics & General Management)
(2)    Steward Social Science & Humanities Review (ISSN No. – 2347-7466)
(Related areas- Language & Literature (Any Indian, Foreign & Regional languages), Geology, Geography, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, International Relation, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology & other arts subject)
(3)    Steward Science & Technology Review
(4)    Steward Economics Review
(5)    Steward Computer Science Review
All journals will be published under “Steward Knightley Publication House, Ranchi”. Few eminent professors & corporate heads across the globe have joined the advisory board of these journals.
The whole list of name and designation of eminent members of the editorial board of “Steward Business Review” has been attached with this e-mail. 
We are giving you the detail how your research paper/article will uplift your career when you publish it in our international refereed journals.
           Academic Performance Indicators (APIs) approved by UGC, India
Nature of Activity
Max Points
Research Paper Publication
Refereed Journals (International)
    15/ publication
Non-refereed but recognized and reputable journals (National)
     10/ publication
Research Publications (books, chapters in books) having ISBN number.
Books Published by a Publisher with an established peer review system.
50/ sole author; 10/ chapter in an edited book
Articles/Research papers are invited to publish in the issue of “JUNE, 2014”
Journal Issue
Last date of Paper/Article submission
June 2014
15th  May, 2014
The article should be sent in “MS WORD” (Times New Roman, Font size-12, single spacing) and not more than 5000 words.
After the submission it will be sent to any two members of the advisory board across the Globe for blind review. The research article will be published in these international journals subject to positive recommendation of the reviewer.
Publication Fee on Acceptance of paper :-
For Indian Author
For Foreign Author/ Non Indian
Single Author
Double Author
Single Author
Double Author
Non Members
INR 2000
INR 2500
INR 1500
INR 2000
Details of Membership fee:-
Type of Membership
Non Indian
Individual Membership
INR 3000
Institutional Membership (College, University, Library, Corporate)
INR 8500
One who takes membership of one journal, would have automatic membership of other two journals.
We welcome your queries regarding these journals, if any.
Dr. Brajesh Kumar,
GM & Chief Editor-
Steward Knightley Publishing House.
Ranchi, India.
Mo. – 9798752664/ 9534191180
3 Attachments
155 KB
Dear Professor\Colleagues\Authors
Dear Professor (s) \ Colleague (s) \ Author (s)

International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed free access online journal published monthly by The Economic and Social Development Organization (TESDO).  IJEER publishes research work of significant interest that contributes to theoretical and empirical bases of world economy. The researchers can submit original Research articles as an email attachment at ijeertesdo@gmail.com for review. All manuscripts are subject to double blind review and will be assessed based on their quality by the reviewers.  Papers will be reviewed and feedback will be given to authors as soon as possible to complete the review process. The detail information about publication in IJEER can be viewed at http://www.tesdo.org/Publication.aspx. It is published on the monthly basis covering a wide range of topics including:
Ø  Agriculture Economics
Ø   Computational Economics
Ø   Conflict, Peace and Development Studies
Ø   Development Economics
Ø   Devine Economics
Ø   Econometrics
Ø   Economic and Strategic Modeling
Ø   Education Economics
Ø   Financial Development
Ø   Financial Economics
Ø   Fiscal and Monetary Polices
Ø  Growth Strategies and Development Tools
Ø  Health Economics
Ø  History of Economic Thoughts
Ø  Income and Wealth Distribution
Ø  Industrial Economics
Ø  Institutional Economics
Ø  International Finance
Ø  International Trade
Ø  Islamic Finance and Economics
Ø  Labor Economics
Ø  Macroeconomics
Ø  Microeconomics
Ø   Operational Research
Ø  Population Economics
Ø  Public Finance
Ø  Religious (Religion) Economics
Ø  Applied Statistics
Ø  Transportation Economics
Ø  Urban Economics
Ø  World Development Organization (WTO)

We look forward to your contribution.
International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER) has assigned for ISSN: 2310-5232 (online).

International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER) has been indexation in:

Moreover IJEER applied for indexing process in Cabell’s, Ulrich’s, DOAJ, Index Copernicus International and EBSCO, ISI, ERIC, Econlit, Scopus and Journalseek very soon.

Muhammad Shahbaz
Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Infromation Technology, Lahore Campus, Pakistan

Editor in Chief
International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research