ARC Journals

Esteemed Professor(s), 

Subject: Recruitment for Editors/Reviewers
Academicians' Research Center (ARC) operates a group of scholarly journals covering the Agricultural Sciences, Bio Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Management, Mathematics, Medical Sciences and Physical Sciences. ARC welcomes you to join us as a Reviewer and an Editor.
 Status: Part time                        
Working Language: English
Working Style: Internet-Based   
Payment: Voluntary Job, No Payment (Two papers will be published free of cost recommended by the reviewer per year)
1.      Must possess a Post Doctoral Degree/ Doctoral Degree in the concerned discipline
2.      Must be holding a teaching position or research position at a university or in a well established academic institution
3.      Must be fluent in academic and professional English
4.      Must have a deep interest in ability of contributing to international journals
5.      Timely and punctual work will add to the success of international journals
1.      Two papers recommended or submitted by the member will be published free of cost per year subject to its acceptance.
2. In addition to the above benefit the papers recommended/submitted by the member for publication in any issue of the journal will be published allowing a discount up to 50%.
3.    The merit and the expertise in the concerned subject of any member will be the source of unique dimension to both the member and the journal there by his/her identity across the globe will be established.
4.   The novel ideas and the unique suggestions made by the member will be an added source of strength to the journal which will be gratefully accepted according to his/her interest and area of selection.
Applicants must have a doctorate (or an equivalent degree), and significant publishing and reviewing experience. Due to the high volume of applications, only accepted applicants will be contacted via email.

 I am here with attaching the Membership Form, Please fill in the form and send by E-mail duly signed with Photo Graph.
 Kindly Visit the following link to view the journal’s list

Best Regards
Managing Editor
ARC Journals