E-Newsletter of Centre for Global Business Studies

Dear Sir/Madam,


We are pleased to inform you that E-Newsletter of Centre for Global Business Studies is successfully launched. The objective of E-newsletter is to keep you updated with international business activities happening around the globe and international collaboration & exposure initiatives taken by university.
Please visit--http://gsn.gtu.ac.in/user/home.aspx

we would like to have you as a part of GSN (Global Study Network) E-Newsletter. If you are interested to write some relative articles for the same please mail us at:  ra1_cgbs@gtu.edu.inI look forward to receive your valuable feedback and articles for the same. Please help us to make this initiative by university a grand success.
About CGBS-Centre for Global Business Studies (CGBS) is one of the Post Graduate research centres of Faculty of Business Studies at GTU. CGBS is an initiative of Gujarat Technological University as a part of its endeavour to make its academic programs as the “Global Programs” in real sense. The Centre for Global Business Studies has been established to construct a coherent global perspective in education and research. The Centre is having the focus on seven regional markets to discover opportunities for doing business, namely: North America, Europe, South America and Caribbean countries, Middle East and Africa, Central Asia, East Asia and Pacific Countries & South Asia.  
The centre is established to empower the Students and Faculties to explore the new heights in Global Business and Technical Research.  
Mission of CGBS:        
  • Attracting scholars who are global leader.
  • Internationalization of faculty and students.
  • Achieve the Leadership in research and teaching in global business studies
  • Creating an eco-system for innovation - leveraging academic and industrial research for global business studies
  •  Fostering entrepreneurship through global business studies.

Thanks and Regards


Dr. Jyoti Srivastava, 
Research Assistant,
Centre for Global Business Studies,
Gujarat Technological University