EDITOR-Electronics India eNewsletter & Twitter Handle @Electronics_GoI

Dear Readers,

As you are aware, DeitY has hosted a B2B platform on our official website to provide an opportunity to Indian and foreign companies to explore a meeting ground for potential partnerships in the area of ESDM.

This platform allows technology providers to offer their technology to potential companies seeking technology via a JV/licence/purchase/transfer. Similarly, it provides an opportunity to interested companies to scout technology in their desired product/knowledge area.

The platform provides brief details of the companies, their technologies on offer or sought along with other relevant contact details. Please visit “http://deity.gov.in/esdm/offers” to access the platform.

DeitY is pleased to welcome the following company on Electronics India B2B platform and wishes them all the best in their search for technology/partner.

Name: M/s Wealth Taxi Inc.
Product Line: Medication Management Solution
Technology offered/ sought: Joint Venture - Manufacturing planning and capital

Interested companies may visit the platform for details.
Warm regards,

Kapil D Sharma

EDITOR-Electronics India eNewsletter & Twitter Handle @Electronics_GoI
[Investment Promotion, Communication & Brand Building]
Phone: + 91 11 24301281 | Mobile: +91 97166 44444
Twitter: @kapildsharma

Electronics System Design & Manufacturing-PMU
Department of Electronics & Information Technology
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Government of India
Electronics Niketan, 6, C.G.O. Complex
New Delhi-110003, India

Dear Sir/ Mam,
Please find attached a copy of February 2013 edition of ‘Electronics e-Newsletter’. Hope you may find the information useful. We also request you to forward it to your colleagues and other people to whom this information might also be useful.

We look forward to receiving feedback and suggestions to improve further editions of the newsletter.

With warm regards,

Akhilesh Saurikhia
Editor (Electronics e-Newsletter)ESDM (PMU), DeitY, MCIT
6 CGO Complex, New Delhi 110003
P: +91-11-24301281, F: +91-11-24364185

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