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ISSN: 2229-6425(print)                                                                                     ISSN: 2229-600X(Online)

International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences
Deadline for manuscript submission 30/09/2015
Impact factor for IJEMS is 1.882 for the year 2014

IJEMS Volume-6 Number-3
International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences publishes original, peer refereed research pertaining to the Engineering Discipline, Computer Science, Information Technology, Management Sciences and the applications of these sciences. The Journal covers a wide range of interest in the fields of Engineering and Management Sciences. The Journal is focused on publishing research work; however review papers are also published. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences is an open access journal and all papers available online cover following Subjects:
Management Sciences (Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Information Technology, Retail Management, Rural Development Management, Supply Chain Management, Business Ethics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Currency Wars, Capital Markets, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Workflow Management and other Management related areas, Management Information System, Database & Data Mining, Decision Support System, Knowledge Management System etc.
Computer Science,
Information Technology, Network and Communication Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Internet Computing, Scientific Computing, Computational Statistics, Financial Engineering, Imaging Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Engineering Management , Engineering Sciences,Aerospace Engineering , Automotive Engineering ,Spatial Science etc.
For detail topicskindly read attached file or visit
For detail please read attached file
Dr. Shishir Kumar Gangwar
Associate Professor
College of Agriculture, Post Graduate building, School of Graduate studies, room No 80
Wollega University, Nekemte, Oromia Region, Post Box 395, Ethiopia.
Mob No. +251 920126041, +251 942931604

Our other journals are
International Journal of Science and Nature (IJSN)
International Journal of Advanced Biological Research (IJABR)
Global Journal of Bio-sciences and Biotechnology(GJBB) 
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