life insurance

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life insurance

Insurance cover that serves two major purposes: (1) to substitute for theinsured's income if he or she dies, and (2) to qualify the insured for favorable taxtreatment. The policy holders buy insurance cover from an insurance company, and pay specific periodic amounts (premiums) for the term (duration or life) of the policy. If the insured dies before the this term is completed, a guaranteedsum (the face amount of the policy) is paid to one or more named beneficiaries. If the insured survives the term then, depending on the type of the policy, he or she may receive the full or a part of the face amount of the policy. For youngfamilies, a life insurance policy creates an 'instant estate' before they have enough time to accumulate other ...
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Usage Example
life insurance contract will state that a specific amount of money is to be paid to the designated beneficiary upon the death of the insured, or once the insured has reached a specific age.
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