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About the Book

Over the past two decades, the face of the world consumer has truly changed. Goods are more available, information about these goods is more open and accessible, and the ability to buy these goods from any corner of the earth has become possible. As a result, the study of Consumer Behaviour is gaining more importance now than ever before.
The articles in this edited book entitled “Consumer Behaviour in the 21st Century” analyses the behavior of consumers as individuals, decision makers and players in subcultures. This also tends to examine how consumer behavior is influenced in emerging markets by the marketing strategies of business firms and analyzes its impact on market, culture and consumption that contribute to the broader socio-economic development, values and lifestyle of consumers around. Strategies on building customer life time value, customer relationship management, and bottom of the pyramid consumer strategies to assure the high business performance of manufacturing, retailing and services sectors are also to be analyzed in this book. Managerial applications of consumer behavior also can be discussed emphasizing consumer behavior concepts which can be employed to develop managerial strategy by the firms.
The edited book will be helpful to the management and commerce students, research scholars and business executives.

About the Editors
1.  Dr.N.Panchanatham, is presently the Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India – 608002. He is also a corporate – HR trainer. He has published 38 books. He has visited about 27 countries for various academic purposes. He has published more than 400 articles in various national and international journals.
 2. K.P Najeemudeen, is presently working with Maruti Suzuki India Private Limited as the Zonal Sales Manager. He is also a trainer in personality development and sales management for Management students. He has published 2 books and around 13 articles in various national and international journals. He has also presented papers in various national and international seminars and conferences.
Guidelines for the Authors
1.     1. The author name, office address, email and mobile number be available in the covering letter.
2.  2. Contributions from the professors, corporate executives, research scholars are invited. Contributions such as full research article, review article, research reports etc may be sent.
3.     3. Authors are requested to follow Times Roman 12-Point font; place page numbers in the upper right corner; and leave top, bottom and both the side margins of at least one inch to write your manuscript.
4.     4. Double line space is permitted to be followed in the manuscript. Paragraph spacing can be 10 points.
5.     5. Font size of the title of the manuscript is 14 point bold faced. Font size of the sub heading be 12 point, bold faced.
6.     6. Tables and graphs be correctly numbered.
7.    7. Referencing can be done as below:
a.)  For books, reports, manuscripts and unpublished volumes:
Toffler,A.(1980), The Third Wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow, Bantam Books, New York, pp.195-207.
b.)  For journals and other periodicals:
Venkatesha,H.R (2008), “Dealers’ Performance and Customers’ Preference in Passenger Car Marketing”, Vilakshan, Vol.5, No.6, pp.222-235.
c.)   For Internet sources, web site addresses must be alphabetically arranged and numbered at the end of the reference section.
8.     8. Authors should send a declaration that their manuscript has not been published in any book, magazine, journal or newspaper and has not been submitted for any type of publication.
9.     9. The contents of the manuscript / article are the views and opinions of the author.
10.10. Soft copy of the manuscript is to be sent to:kpnajeemudeen@gmail.com

For further information please contact:
K.P Najeemudeen,
Kalathil House,
Triprangode P.O,
Alingal, Tirur,
Malappuram Dt.,
India 676108.

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Editorial Team