A Complete Health Guide...

Big World in a little drop

Time for Batman

Chess field


Drops of Jupiter

Evil Clown

Jogging: Suitable for younger age group below 50 years. 30 minutes is all that is required and may be done continuously, or jog and walk in between when fatigued. The pace of jogging is equal to that of a brisk walkrun on soft or grassy surface. Wear comfortable clothes and breathe freely. Cycling: For any age group. Minimum time 45-60 minutes of continuous controlled fast cycling. Cycling up slopes gives added benefit. Ordinary cycles are good enough and indoor stationary exercycles may also be used at low resistance for 45 minutes. 
1 . Stand warm up for Pawan Muktasana series. 
2. Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) Effect - on full body including heart and circulation. 
3. Ardh-halasana (30, 60, 90 degrees, double leg raises) Effect - on abdomen, legs, back reproductive organs. 
4. Sarbangasana (Shoulder stand) Effect - on brain, nervous system, thyroid, circulation. 
5. Halasana (Plough pose) Effect - on spine, nervous system, back, lungs. 
6. Matsyasana (Fish pose) Effect - on chest, neck, thyroid, lungs. 
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) Effect - on lower back, reproductive organs, lungs, spine, chest, abdominal organs. 
8. Salabhasana, (Locust pose) Effect - an buttocks, legs, hips, constipation, gas, digestion, etc. 
9. Dhanurasana (Bow pose) Effect - on abdomen, digestion, legs, back. 
10. Naukasana (Boat pose) (V sit-ups) Effect - on spine, abdomen, chest, etc. 
11. Bakrasana (Half spinal twist) Effect - on spine, fat on waist, gas, digestive organs. 
12. Paschmottasana (Sitting toe touch) or Padahasatasana (Standing toe touch) Effect - on digestion, spine, legs. 
13. Trikonasana (Triangle) Effect - on spinal nerves, waist, digestion. 
14. Pranayama (Deep breathing) 10 rounds each.
a) Anulome / Vilome - alternate nostril breathing, and
b) Kapalbhatti.. - belly breathing Effect - on lungs and respiratory system. 
15. Shavasana (Corpse pose) - as often as required. Effect - on physical / mental relaxation.

Stress has existed from the time of Early Man but has now become an omnipresent phenomenon in the life of 'Modern Man'. It has pervaded all layers of life. 
Stress is the bio-psycho-social response of the body to a demand, mental or physical. Stress is an arousal response the body makes, when a situation is perceived as being stressful. The impact of this arousal affects emotional as well as cognitive thinking. The impact is seen in behavioral and physiological change.. When stress is long term and chronic it leads to chronic psychosomatic ailments. While there is an undeniable link between stress and illness, optimal stress is a prerequisite for success in every task. Stress is the wind beneath your wings pushing you towards achievement. If stress can trigger off psychosomatic ailments in those living in the fast track, it can be a trigger even to those who suffer from monotony, boredom or frustration. It is therefore very essential to bring a balance between too much and too little stress. 
The first step in managing stress is to develop a stress-free personality. A high self-esteem, assertive behavior and a positive attitude help in building a stress-free perception. It also helps to focus on areas where control and change are possible. Locate the source of stress and use a problem solving approach to deal with it step by step. All stress you can understand. Some you can change. Some you may have little control over. You may then need to change your attitude and response towards these stressors. Thereby reducing stress. 
Any exercise programme done regularly utilizes the body's stress hormones. Exercise not only makes the body fit, but also acclimatizes the heart and lungs to increased activity, as in stressful situations. Relaxation and meditation techniques result in calming brain waves, and reducing the effects of stress. This is especially effective with stressrelated ailments such as Hypertension, Headaches, Digestive ailments, Cardiac ailments, Sleep problems to name just a few. Stress may be an irritant in your life or it may be a factor of passive existence. Change of perspective will help change this stress to an active, rewarding life. One of the best gifts of nature is sleep. Daily sleep of 6 - 8 hours helps in relaxation and repair of the body and mind. It provides sufficient time for deep - NREM and dream REM sleep restoring physical and mental health.

Stress may be an irritant in your life or it may be a factor of passive existence. Change of perspective will help change this stress to an active, rewarding life. 
One of the best gifts of nature is sleep. Daily sleep of 6 to 8 hours helps in relaxation and repair of the body and mind. It provides sufficient time for deep - NREM and dream REM sleep restoring physical and mental health.
Term of the Day


unit of ownership that represents an equal proportion of a company's capital. It entitles its holder (the shareholder) to an equal claim on the company's profitsand an equal obligation for the company's debts and losses. Two major types of shares are (1) ordinary shares (common stock), which entitle the shareholder to share in the earnings of the company as and when they occur, and to vote at the company's annual general meetings and other official meetings, and (2)preference shares (preferred stock) which entitle the shareholder to a fixed periodic income (interest) but generally do not give him or her voting rights. See also stock.
Learn more about this term
Usage Example
Even though I only have one share of stock in the company, I am included in the breadth of shareholders that receive equal distribution of any profits.
Ticker Challenge of the Day
Choose the Right Answer:
(A) SIP 
(B) NBC 
(C) BEV 

Term of the Day


The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service thatcreates value or for which customers will pay.To be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves deliberate application of information, imagination andinitiative in deriving greater or different values from resources, and includes all processes by which new ideas are generated and converted into usefulproducts. In business, innovation often results when ideas are applied by thecompany in order to further satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers. In a social context, innovation helps create new methods for alliance creation, joint venturing, flexible work hours, and creation ...
Learn more about this term
Usage Example
While Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple, he relied heavily on innovation to create new and exciting products.
Friday Quiz Challenge
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This is a key principle of a management style that encourages a free information flow within the team.
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