job analysis

Term of the Day

job analysis

Detailed examination of the (1) tasks (performance elements) that make up ajob (employee role), (2) conditions under which they are performed, and (3) what the job requires in terms of aptitudes (potential for achievement), attitudes(behavior characteristics), knowledgeskills, and the physical condition of the employee. Its objectives include (a) determination of the most efficient methodsof doing a job, (benhancement of the employee's job satisfaction, (c)improvement in training methods, (d) development of performancemeasurement systems, and (e) matching of job-specifications with the person-specifications in employee selectionComprehensive job analysis begins with the study of the organization itself: its purpose, design and ...
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Before hiring someone for an open position, many HR managers conduct a job analysis to find out exactly what skills and traits are necessary for someone to succeed in the open position.
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