Vintage Lancia Factory Photos

While we are at it, how about a few vintage Lancia factory photos and one Bertone thrown in too? What is it about viewing vintage factory photos of cars during their manufacturing process that is so interesting for us car guys? We always look at all of the parts and the bare shells and think about the endless possibilities of upgraded parts that would magically take the place of the stock parts if that fantasy even been able to become a reality. In any case, there is also something that is just flat out enjoyable about looking at the vintage build process, staring at the pictures and wondering which, if any of them still remain on the road today…
With your help, we would like to develop a new category that features vintage and current factory photos. We always enjoy seeing cars in their manufacturing phases or during their restorations and modifications. That is ultimately the reason for this site’s existence, so what could be more fitting than having them all together and categorized here in their own section? Until then,please enjoy the few photos we actually have gathered up so far on the following page and if you have something interesting to include, please put a link to them in the “Comments” section below, or e-mail them to us atadmin@CarBuildIndex.com for us to include and update here. Help us make this into a new category booming with an assortment of factory and shop pictures of all types of vehicles from all different time periods, OEM or aftermarket.
1956 Ferrari Factory 1
1956 Ferrari Factory 2
1956 Ferrari Factory 3
1956 Ferrari Factory 4
1956 Ferrari Factory 5
1956 Ferrari Factory 6
1956 Ferrari Factory 7
1956 Ferrari Factory 8
Ford RS200

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