When a man and a woman decide to spend their lives together

When a man and a woman decide to spend their lives together they unite in the holy sacrament of matrimony, that being said marriages are weird and involve myriad of strange and bizarre (relatively) traditions, we have compiled a short list of weird wedding traditions from all around the world for you to savour.
groom friends
glass broken
manglik girls
Jewish culture
Scottish brides
Fiji men
Indian marriages
Mauritian brides

Term of the Day


Study of the economic behavior of individual units of an economy (such as apersonhousehold, firm, or industry) and not of the aggregate economy (which is the domain of macroeconomics). Microeconomics is primarily concerned with the factors that affect individual economic choices, the effect of changes in these factors on the individual decision makers, how their choices are coordinated by markets, and how prices and demand are determined in individual markets. The main subjects covered under microeconomics includetheory of demand, theory of the firm, and demand for labor and other factors of production.
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Consumer behavior falls under the realm of microeconomics and influences how prices and supplies are determined in individual markets.
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Macroeconomic Factors and the Management Environment

As a new business manager, the first thing you must be in tune with is the state of microeconomics and macroeconomics. While we are trained to pay attention to...
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