Call for Papers – “International Conference on “Reinventing Management Strategy: The Design for Future (IC-RMS 2013)”

Dear Sir/Madam
Greetings from IMS Ghaziabad!
With immense pleasure, we feel privileged to inform you that we are organizing An International Conference On “Reinventing Management Strategy: The Design for Future (IC-RMS 2013)” at I.M.S, Ghaziabad on November 30, 2013.
The IC-RMS 2013 includes paper presentation sessions, invited guest talks, keynote address, valedictory discussions and best research paper awards. The selected papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference and also we have tied up with few eminent journals and the details are available on conference websitwww.ims-ghaziabad.ac.in/conference2013/.
The Abstract/Research paper should be e-mailed to conference@imsgzb.com
With Regards
Conference Co-Chairs
Dr. Rinku Sanjeev                   Dr. Vijay  Kumar Pandey                    Prof. Rajanish Jain
 +919711388498                      +917838812917                                  +919711002367
Ø    International Conference Flyer