The curry

The dish is so spicy chefs have to wear gas masks as they prepare it

'As soon as I took the first mouthful I knew I was in trouble, it was ridiculously hot..
'It is tasty but it has this long lasting spiciness that doesn't seem to go away.
'With each mouthful the spice intensifies, the roof of my mouth and tongue were on fire,
 with this unbearable, relentless heat.
'If it was up to me, I'd have given up after the first bite but I didn't want to duck out too early,
 so I gave it a good go but I don't think I managed more than a quarter of the dish.
'I was sweating uncontrollably, I could barely feel my tongue and no amount of rice, 
Naan or iced water did anything to relieve the pain.
'It was definitely worth a go and I take my hat off to any who manages to finish 
it but I think I may be sticking to Korma from now on.'

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Term of the Day

conflict of interest

1. A situation that has the potential to undermine the impartiality of a personbecause of the possibility of a clash between the person's self-interest andprofessional interest or public interest.
2. A situation in which a party's responsibility to a second-party limits its abilityto discharge its responsibility to a third-party.
Learn more about this term
Usage Example
When the board of directors voted on the firing of a particular employee, one member had to step out because the employee was a family member and there would have been a conflict of interest.

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