Historical Pics

iew from an American A-20 Havoc aircraft during a bomber run against a Japanese airfield, 1943~1945
Great Photos from History
The Lion Tamer of the Russian circus, Captain Jack Bonavita, poses with some of his lions. 1905
Great Photos from History
Underwater vehicle in use by the Israeli Commando unit 1967
Great Photos from History
Lt. Oscar Bayer of the LAPD Detective Bureau aims a Thompson with a removed stock (and no magazine) for demonstration purposes. Pre-dating the Dillinger gang by six years this photo conveys the means by which bank robbers modified the Thompson to aid mobility and concealment 1927
Great Photos from History
Vladimir Lenin and other Soviet leaders celebrating the second anniversary of the October Revolution in Red Square, Moscow, 1919
Great Photos from History
IRA in the 1970s
Great Photos from History
Extras on the set of ‘Cleopatra’, 1963
Great Photos from History
Camp Commandant Amon Goeth, infamous from the movie “Schindler’s List”, on the balcony of his house overlooking Plaszow labor camp. ~1943-44
Great Photos from History
“Toffs and Toughs” – The famous photo by Jimmy Sime that illustrates the class divide in pre-war Britain, 1937
Great Photos from History
Residents of West Berlin show children to their grandparents who reside on the Eastern side, 1961
Great Photos from History
NASA scientists with their board of calculations. 1960′s
Great Photos from History
RMS Titanic from the starboard side, April 1912
Great Photos from History
Iranian woman before the Islamic Revolution, 1960
Great Photos from History
Berlin in 1945
Great Photos from History
Five Australian former POWs catch up on news about the atomic bombings, after their release from Japanese captivity in Singapore, Sep 1945
Great Photos from History
Drive-in theater, South Bend Indiana, 1950s
Great Photos from History
People pose in windows and in front of shops on a street in New York City, c. 1865
Great Photos from History
Tattooing a butterfly garter belt, 1930s
Great Photos from History
Abraham Lincoln gazes down on demonstrators, during the Civil Rights March on Washington, August 28, 1963
Great Photos from History
Men at work on the Central Line of the London Underground, 1898
Great Photos from History
Mogadishu, Somalia Pre Civil War – 1960s
Great Photos from History
Che Guevara disguised as Ramón Benítez Hernández, a middle aged Uruguayan business man, in a forged passport used to sneak into Bolivia in 1966
Great Photos from History
World Head of States in 1889
From left to right: Yohannes IV (Emperor of Ethiopia), Tewfik Pasha (Khedive of Egypt), Abdülhamit II (Sultan of the Ottoman Empire), Naser al-Din Shah Qajar (Shah of Persia), Christian IX (King of Denmark), Dom Luís I (King of Portugal), Willem III (King of the Netherlands), Dom Pedro II (Emperor of Brazil), Milan I (King of Serbia), Leopold II (King of the Belgians), Aleksandr III (Emperor of Russia), Wilhelm I (German Emperor & King of Prussia), Franz Joseph I (Emperor of Austria & King of Hungary), Victoria (Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland & Empress of India), Jules Grévy (President of the French Republic), Leo XIII (Pope), Meiji (Emperor of Japan), Guangxu (Emperor of China), Umberto I (King of Italy), Don Alfonso XII (King of Spain), Oscar II (King of Sweden and Norway) and Chester A. Arthur (President of the United States).
Great Photos from History