IRJBM - International Research Journal of Business and Management

IRJBM - International Research Journal of Business and Management
ISSN: 2322-083X - Impact Factor: 1.26
Dear Professors, 
Greetings from IRJBM! 
International Research Journal of Business and Management [IRJBM] cordially invites Research Manuscripts to publish in July, 2014 - Issue. IRJBM is accredited by National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, New Delhi (Council of Science and Industrial Research). IRJBM publishes research papers in the fields of Management, Economics, Education, Commerce, Business, Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management and other areas of Social Science.

Call for Papers: July - 2014 - Issue

Last date for Submission:  15th July - 2014

Processing Time : Five Days

Notification of Acceptance: 20th July - 2014

Publishing Date: 5th of Every Month

Authors are requested to refer the Author Guidelines carefully before submitting the articles.

All the communications regarding your manuscripts will be handled through the emails:

editor@irjbm.org /editor.irjbm@yahoo.com

We request you to forward this e-mail to your Research Network, Colleagues, Business Analyst and Research Scholars.

For further details, Please go through our Journal 's Website: www.irjbm.org

Happy Publishing!

With Regards,

The Chief Editor
Editorial Board
International Research Journal of Business and Management - IRJBM
(ISSN -2322 - 083X) (Impact Factor - 1.26 )
Global Wisdom Research Publications
Singapore, India & Thailand
editor.irjbm@gmail.com & editor.irjbm@yahoo.com