National Seminar on Relevance of Modern Methods of Studies in Unani Medicine

National Seminar on
    Relevance of Modern Methods of Studies in Unani Medicine
    27-28 November, 2014 (Thursday –Friday)
Pre-Conference Workshop on
Proficiency in Advanced Instrumental Methods of Analysis
26 November, 2014 (Wednesday)
DRS-I, Department of Ilmul Advia, F/O Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University


On behalf of the Chairman, Organising Committee & Coordinator DRS-I (UGC), Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh you are invited in Second National Seminar on Relevance of Modern Methods of Studies in Unani Medicine on 27-28 November (Thursday-Friday), 2014 and One Day Pre-Conference Workshop on the Theme: Proficiency in Advanced Instrumental Methods of Analysis on 26 November, 2014 (Wednesday) for Researchers.
We would like to invite you in this Seminar and call for Abstract on the following topics for Oral/Poster Presentation.
We would like to invite you in this Seminar and call for Abstract on the following topics for Oral/Poster Presentation.
Thrust Areas:

Pharmacological, Pharmacognostical & Standardization of Unani Drugs

· Pharmacological studies on Unani Drugs.
· In vitro and in vivo  studies on Unani Drugs & their application. 
· Relevance of emerging Pharmacological techniques in Unani Medicine
· Ethics friendly Non mammal Pharmacological Models: Chick, Drosophila (Fruit fly), Zebra fish etc.
· Pharmacognostical studies on Unani Drugs.     
· Recent Pharmacognosy techniques.
· Standardization of Unani Drugs. 
· Plant DNA: tool for standardization & identification of Herbal drugs.
· Current trends in Secondary Plant Metabolite Research.
· R &D activities pertaining to Unani Formulations.
· Nano-particles and its application in Unani Medicine.

Abstract should be typed in “Times New Roman” 12 fonts with 1.5 spaces, title should be precise and indicating the author(s) name(s), address, affiliation institute. It may be sent by 25 October, 2014 at seminardrs2014@gmail.com

Dr. Abdul Latif,
Organizing Chairman & Co-ordinator, DRS-I
Chairman, Department of  Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine
Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital
Aligarh-202001 (U.P) India
+91-9411491277;  +91-  9457007542