3rd International Workshop on Smart Learning Environments

under the auspices of
the 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
July 15-18, 2013
Beijing, China

It is important for teachers to get idea of how their students learn; what their students have already known; in what their students are not good enough or have misconceptions; what kind of instructional ways their students like and can learn more efficiently; and, what their students need to know at a particular moment. With the help of computational intelligence, ontology, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, text mining, and information retrieval, Smart Learning Environments (SLE) can be built to know the context of students, e.g., learning style, cognitive trait, competency model, behavior pattern, preference, need, and device, correctly and better by digging and analyzing variety of data. Furthermore, the SLE can then provide the students with personalized and adaptive learning services based on the discovered context. This workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers to know the latest relevant research progress; to share experiences; to discuss key issues; and at the end, to have opportunities to work together after this event.

* Topics of the Workshop:
- Student modeling and adaptivity
- Competency analysis
- Learning behavior/style analysis and recognition
- Data mining and Visualization
- Context-aware and location-based learning
- Tablet Enhanced Learning Environments

* Outcomes of the workshop:
Extended versions of accepted papers will be published by Springer in a book "Emerging technologies in smart learning environment". This book will aim for a world in which change is not only a given but everywhere, and is proactively embraced; a world where the ability to manage change is seen as a distinct competitive advantage, and the learning marketplace is full of alternative models. The premise of this book will be that the world around us, the ways in which we live our everyday lives, the connections we make, the increasingly global community we live in - all of these are inexorably changing the ways we learn as well.

*Workshop Chairs:
Dr. Guang Chen, Beijing Normal University, Canada
Dr. Vive Kumar, Athabasca University, Canada

* For more details, please visit: