Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology (JKMEIT)

Dear Pithadia Vijay,

Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology (JKMEIT) is waiting for your scientific publication! 

 Our journal is edited every two months and the deadline for the papers submissions is 15th of February, 2013. The Scientific Papers team would like to publish your paper and remind you that JKMEIT is listed in important scientific databases: DOAJ, EconLit, RePEc, EBSCO, Index Copernicus and others. Submissions are welcome from across all streams related to knowledge management, general economics and information technology. 

» Find out more about the submission process on our website.

» Publication fees

What you get?

 • Your paper will be published in the online version of Journal (ISSN)
 • Your paper will be indexed in all international scientific databases where the Journal is indexed
 • Official document which proves the participation in the Journal 

For any inquiries, please contact the Directory Board by replying to this email alert! "Scientific Papers (JKMEIT)"