Latest pictures from Mars released in Jan 2013 by:NASA/JPL/University of Arizona+

-An Overflow Channel from Athabasca Vallis
Crater Wall in Bosporos Planum
Trouvelot Crater Dune Changes
Starburst Spring Evolution
Channels and Flows East of Hale Crater
USGS Dune Database Entry Number 2481-589
Fan in Saheki Crater
Monitor Slopes of Crater on Floor of Central Valles Marineris
Crater Central Uplift
Crater South of Nirgal Vallis
Well-Preserved 6-Kilometer Impact Crater West of Nili Fossae
Dark Aeolian Dunes in MOC Images E22-00514 and S21-00175
Richardson Crater Dunes Sublimation
Russell Crater Dunes
Jeans Crater Dunes
Spider Morphology and Surface Structure
Gale Crater
Layered Deposits on West Candor Chasma
Polar Pit Gully Monitoring
Hope you have enjoyed watching
So many thanks to NASA and the University of Arizona for sharing with us this valuable great knowledge of this wonderful alien world