Greece has all the right conditions for corruption: plenty of bureaucracy, no functioning justice system, laws with numerous loopholes, and economic pressure. Regarding bribes and robbing the Greek Treasury, Premier Andreas Papandreou, founder of Pasok, famously advised Pasokleptocrats: We all agree, of course, that we are allowed to give ourselves a little present from time to time, but please don't make it too large!

The Papandreou dynasty created a bloated kleptocracy of cronyism that cannot change without the intervention of the Greek army. Georgios Papandreou, George Papandreou's grandfather, founded the family's political dynasty, serving as prime minister. After the 1967-1974 military dictatorship, Georgios' son Andreas Papandreou created the socialist party
Pasok, the October-18 Mafia. In the 1980s, he gave so much to his cronies and
supporters that the country's debt ballooned.

The last four decades have seen the Papadreou dynasty establish a kleptocracy. It
squandered 300 billion euros the government didn't actually have and showered
kith and kin with sinecures and prosperity that were all based on credit. These kleptocrats bloated Greece's government so that everyone could have a piece of corruption, and created a bureaucratic hydra, which devoured many great institutions, such as the Bank of Crete. The Papandreou brothers who were not ministers of the government were sitting in the boards of directors of the largest Greek corporations milking the country.

Papandreou dynasty's dealings were always more about favors than policies.
Anyone with access to public funds used them to buy friends and voters, who were
then beholden to the mafia. The result for Greece has been a feudal kleptocracy,
where the generations come and go but Papandreous always remain in politics.

The new Pasok cannot survive, because it chose Venizelos,the founder of kleptocratic impunity, as its leader, it continues political corruption as usual, and it shelters most freakish blogbusters. Many Pasok politicians, such as Akis Tsochatzopoulos, Yannos Papantoniou, Tasos Mantelis, Christos Verelis, and Mariliza Xenoyiannakopoulou, are now investigated by the Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE). 

The stupidity, corruption, and freak of rotten Pasok, the most infamous political mafia on Earth, are out of this world! Pasok mafiosi are the freaks that initiated the impunity and immunity of Graecokleptocrats, the Siemens scandal, the military bribes, myriad kickbacks, and the fiasco of October 18, 2010, which destroyed my life. Pasok freaks stole my life. Pasok declared a war against me, but the whole world is watching this Armageddon.http://venitism.blogspot.com

Pasok is a socialist mafia, a den of thieves, member of the Socialist International, the Party of European Socialists, and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. Pasokleptocrats span the gamut of political corruption. Bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct. Kickback is a payment to a person in a position of power or influence for having made an income possible. Embezzlement is outright theft of entrusted funds. Patronage is favoring supporters. Nepotism is favoring kin. Cronyism is favoring kith. Graft is an unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain. The freakish government of Pasok stole my life! 

During Andreas Papandreou's leadership, wages were substantially boosted and income was heavily taxed. At the very beginning, the members and the leadership of the mafia were very critical of NATO and the European Economic Community, but this attitude was soon abandoned when they realized they could make more kickbacks and bribes. Andreas Papandreou and Akis Tsochatzopoulos wished to create a socialistic world where kleptocrats would dominate.

Tsochatzopoulos, a distinguished leader and cofounder of Pasok, served in cabinets between 1981 and 2004. He was elected to the Greek Parliament for the first time in 1981 and remained in seat until 2007. He was the second most important person of Pasok, the crown prince of Pasok, but fate was not nice to him, ending up in prison for what all Pasokleptocrats did anyhow, political corruption beyond imagination! But while the other Pasokleptocrats knew how to cover their ass, Tsochatzopoulos lived like a king, inviting scrutiny and jealousy.

After Andreas Papandreou's death, Costas Simitis defeated Tsochatzopoulos, and he was elected President of Pasok. Simitis moved to modernize the mafia, making it purely social democratic. Tight fiscal policies, privatization of state enterprises, and a broadening of the tax base were implemented. But due to huge political corruption, Pasok was defeated at the polls in the election of 2004. The Nea Democratia policies adopted by the new government, forced Pasok to turn left under the leadership of George Papandreou. Five years later, the Party triumphed in the 2009 elections.

After the 2009 electoral sweep, there were many revelations of huge political corruption. Moreover, the deficit that had run up in the years leading to 2010 was of an enormous unmanageable scope. Greece was faced with imminent bankruptcy, and the government received emergency funds from IMF and ECB. In exchange for further loans, Fourth Reich required austerity policies. 

Michael Christoforakos, former president of the Greek subsidiary of Siemens, revealed some names of the 200 Graecokleptocrats, who shared two billion euros in kickbacks, to the prosecutor of Munich, where he escaped from Greece. He also deposited all names with two public notaries in Munich, in case he gets murdered by agents of Graecokleptocrats. This way he stays alive! But the Greek government has not pressed charges against the 200 Graecokleptocrats, because they are protected by immunity and they are in power in Greece, members and ex-members of the Greek government and parliament. You just cannot press charges against yourself! Moreover, the Greek government does not even reveal their names for the voters to know who they are voting for.

Christoforakos also revealed the names of twenty journalists who received many million euros in hush money to keep their mouth shut about the billion euro kickbacks to the 200 Graecokleptocrats. Needless to say, those Graecokleptocrats who did not receive kickbacks are also guilty, because they all knew about the bribery of their colleagues and said nothing about it. The suitcases with the cash were whistling around them. There is no way they could not hear all that loud whistling! So, in reality we are talking about four hundred guilty people! Since Greeks continue to vote for the same crooks again and again, they deserve what they get!

The rotten Pasok government was the #1 enemy of the Greek people! Pasokleptocrats did myriad stupid things. The freakish Pasok government of Greece in 2010 was so stupid that it hoodwinked all media that I conspired to trigger a war between Greece and Turkey and blame Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, for it! Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Pasokleptocrats manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence. The government of Greece gave my head on plate to Erdogan. Brutal Pasokleptocrats destroyed my life. My life is stolen. Now I demand my life back!

In Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich, trains run completely empty to nowhere! Many trains bought from Germany do not fit the rails, but they were bought just to generate bribes! In 2009, investigators of the Munich Prosecution Department uncovered a corruption affair, in which MAN has given huge bribes to Greek politicians to get large orders for overpriced trolleys. A streetcar named desire! These trolleys with huge markups are named bribes! But Greek prosecutors have started investigating this scandal just in September of 2012! Many Pasok politicians, such as Christos Verelis and Mariliza Xenoyiannakopoulou, are now investigated by the Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE). http://venitism.blogspot.com

Pasok's transformation from its original socialistic principles to kleptocratic principles disenchanted many Party members. The social disruption flowing from revelations of huge political corruption sparked major demonstrations against the government. In the May 2012 elections that followed, the Party placed third. Recent polls place Pasok sixth, the last party with only 5% of popular support. It used to be the first party, with 42% of popular support. In next elections, Pasok might get less than 3%, leaving it out of the Greek parliament. For all practical purposes, Pasok is now dead. History will record it as a den of thieves.

Piggish Pasokleptocrats chose former Defense Minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos of
Pasok as a scapegoat for their sins, because his living style corresponds to the Royal House of Saudi Arabia. This way, they hope Greeks could cool down and forget about the myriad briberies and scandals of Pasokleptocrats. Obviously, Pasokleptocrats undervalue the intelligence of Greeks. Greeks know very well, there is no just a single culprit, but at least four hundred culprits who stole billions of euros, safely deposited in their offshore accounts.http://venitism.blogspot.com

Scapegoating Tsochatzopoulos is a hostile social-psychological discrediting routine by which Pasokleptocrats move blame and responsibility away from themselves and towards Tsochatzopoulos. It is also a practice by which angry feelings and feelings of hostility are projected, via accusation, towards Tsochatzopoulos. Tsochatzopoulos feels singly persecuted and receives vilification, blame and criticism, even though four hundred Graecokleptocrats did similar things. Tsochatzopoulos suffers rejection from Greeks who Pasokleptocrats seek to influence.

In scapegoating Tsochatzopoulos, feelings of guilt, aggression, blame and suffering are transferred away from Pasokleptocrats so as to fulfill an unconscious drive to resolve or avoid such bad feelings. This is done by the displacement of responsibility and blame to Tsochatzopoulos who serves as a target for blame both for Pasokleptocrats and Greeks.

The Pasokleptocrats' drive to displace and transfer responsibility away from themselves may not be experienced with full consciousness as self-deception is a feature. Tsochatzopoulos experiences exclusion, ostracism, and expulsion. Scapegoating frees Pasokleptocrats from some self-dissatisfaction and provides some narcissistic gratification to them. It enables the self-righteous discharge of aggression.

Scapegoating Tsochatzopoulos also can be seen as the Pasokleptocrats' defense mechanism against unacceptable emotions such as hostility and guilt. Scapegoating Tsochatzopoulos is an example of projective identification, with the primitive intent of splitting, separating the good from the bad. Pasokleptocrats are also insecure people driven to raise their own status by lowering the status of Tsochatzopoulos. http://venitism.blogspot.com

The odyssey of Lagarde list proves the huge Greek political corruption continues up to this day. It primarily illustrates how Graecokleptocrats cover their ass. In the autumn of 2010, Christine Lagarde, who was the French finance minister at the time, gave her Greek counterpart George Papaconstantinou a list of 2062 bank accounts with information on Greek customers at the HSBC Bank in Switzerland. While the French state was using this list to help collect half a billion euros from its own taxdodgers, Papaconstantinou hid the list and deleted the names of his three relatives, his cousin Eleni Papaconstantinou-Sikiardis and her husband Symeon Sikiardis, and Andreas Rossonis, who is the husband of Papaconstantinou's cousin Marina Papaconstantinou! 

Adding insult to injury, Papaconstantinou hoodwinks that he does not know what happened to the original version of Lagarde list! Papaconstantinou was succeeded by Evangelos Venizelos, who is the leader of Pasok, and thus part of the governing coalition. Venizelos served as finance minister for nine months. He is infamous for introducing the impunity of Graecokleptocrats twenty years ago. Venizelos didn't instruct the Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE) to conduct inquiries, nor did he inform anyone of the existence of this information. Everyone else in the government thought that the list had disappeared. It was only when the current Finance Minister John Stournaras heard about the Lagarde list, and wanted to ask Paris for the original pure version, that Venizelos supposedly remembered the doctored Lagarde list in his drawer! 

Vima newspaper mentioned that SDOE suggests the Lagarde list includes an account of half billion euros, belonging to Margaret Papandreou, mother of George Papandreou, the former boss of Papaconstantinou and Venizelos! But nobody can prove it, because the account is properly camouflaged under the name of an Israeli agent.

Do not forget that HSBC is just one offshore bank out of thousand offshore banks. Greeks wonder how many billion euros in total are deposited in the offshore accounts of all kith and kin of all Graecokleptocrats, who pretend they are penniless. Could that be a trillion euros? We have now a Greek tragicomedy of penniless billionaires! Graecokleptocrats have just created a new oxymoron, their only contribution to philosophy!

A poll of http://venitism.blogspot.com shows 80% of Greeks think Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias should be abolished. Relying on my own personal experience, I confirm what major global organizations have found that Greece is the most corrupt country in Europe. Piggish Graecokleptocrats are the shit-scum of planet Earth, protected by impunity.