Corporate/Soft Skills Training Games and Activities

Corporate/Soft Skills Training Games and Activities
50 Corporate & Soft Skills Training Games and Activities CD
                Corporate/Soft Skills Training includes Games and Activities like Icebreakers, Group Activity/Game, Fun Game and exercises. This CD contains 50+ Games and Activities with detailed description to setup the game/activity and instructions for evaluation. Game Summary, Pictures of the Game/Activity, Variation, Equipment, Timing, Team size, Location and Facilitator notes also mentioned in the CD. Very useful to Trainers and Professionals to conduct Soft Skills Training for Students, Junior Professionals, Young Managers, Senior Management and also for individuals.
Games and Activities focus on the following Skills Development
                Attitude, Communication, Cooperation, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Energizer, Enthusiasm, Goal-setting, Group Dynamics, Group Problem Solving, Interpersonal Understanding, Leadership, Motivation, Networking, Personal Development, Perspective taking, Planning, Problem Solving, Professionalism, Relationship-Building, Self-Awareness, Self-insight, Sensual Awareness, Strategy Management, Task orientation, Team Building, Teamwork, Trust-building and many more….
Corporate/Soft Skills Training Games and Activities CD cost Rs.300/- Only. (Including Delivery Charges)
This is a Offer Price and Valid till 28th July 2014

How to Buy?
To buy kindly send your Name, Clear Postal address, Landmark with Pin code and Contact number to this email Id (ctgacd@yahoo.in)
CD dispatch through VPP – Postal Service. CD pack delivered within 7 working days at your door steps by postman and collect the amount by cash.