South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management

What is sexual harassment?
How gendered behavioural/cultural norms exert strong influence on perceptions of workplace sexual harassment?
An article recently published in the South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management entitled “Good Women” and “Bad Women”: How Socialization of Gendered Behavioural Norms Influences Sri Lankan Working Women’s Interpretation of Sexual Harassment at Workplaces” explores these questions and more.
In a society, the image of a “good woman” is promoted and instilled through various gendered behavioural norms, such as proper behaviours and proper dress codes as well as through sanctioned relationships with the opposite gender. Consequently, this affects their interpretation and judgement of socio-sexual behaviours at workplaces, where women first judge the behaviours, dress and nature of relationships with the opposite gender, in interpreting whether a certain instance is sexual harassment or not. If the woman’s behaviour, dress or extent of relationships with men, are judged as exceeding the “limit”, or as not adhering to the standard, the woman might be labelled as a “bad woman”. Then, a harassment that is experienced by the particular woman might not be seen as sexual harassment, but rather as something the woman has instigated, or as something where the woman is at fault. Click here to register and access the full article for free.
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
ISSN: 2322-0937
2 issues per year
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
The inaugural issue is now available online-Access here

About the Journal
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management (SAJHRM) is a peer-reviewed scholarly forum for publications on HRM in and out of South Asia. It includes countries that are members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In terms of the discipline focus, all articles broadly focusing on the theory and practice of managing human resources for the benefit of individuals, firms and community at large will be acceptable. Read more
Table of Contents: Volume 1 Issue 1, June 2014
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