(issn 0974 – 7257)
A Bi-Annual Refereed Journal of Management - Included in the International Serial Directories
Indexed & Listed at: Standards For Educational Advancement & Accreditation Trust

Dear Author (s)

At the very outset, do accept my greetings & regards.

MMUJMP invite you to submit your research/Review paper for MMU Journal of Management Practices Vol. 6, Issue 2.

You may submit unpublished novel, original, empirical and high quality research work pertaining to recent developments & practices in the area of Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, General Management, Banking, Insurance, Corporate Governance and emerging paradigms in allied subjects. The above mentioned tracks are only indicative, and not exhaustive.

Anybody can submit the soft copy of his/her manuscript by January 15, 2013, in M.S. Word format after preparing the same as per our submission guidelines (Copy enclosed), at the email address, mmu.jmp09@gmail.com for our forthcoming issue.

If your good-self have any queries, please feel free to contact us on above mentioned mail.

Hoping an appropriate consideration by your good-self.

With sincere regards

Thanking you profoundly

Academically yours

(Dr. Bhavet)
M. M. University Journal of Management Practices
M. M. Institute of Management
Maharishi Markandeshwar University
Mullana – 133 207, AMBALA, HARYANA, INDIA.
E-mail: mmu.jmp09@gmail.com

Encl: Guidelines for submission

1.                    Covering letter for Submission:
Dated: ________________________
MMU Journal of Management Practices
C/o M. M. Institute of Management
Maharishi Markandeshwar University

Subject: Submission of Manuscript in the Area of                                                              .
(e.g. Finance/Marketing/HRM/General Management/other, please specify).

Dear Sir

Please find my submission of manuscript titled ‘__________________________’ for possible publication in your journal.
I hereby affirm that the contents of this manuscript are original. Furthermore, it has neither been published elsewhere in any language fully or partly, nor is it under review for publication anywhere.
I affirm that all author (s) have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and their inclusion of name (s) as co-author (s).
Also, if our/my manuscript is accepted, I/We agree to comply with the formalities as per the policies of journal.

Name of Corresponding Author:
Affiliation with full address & Pin Code:
Residential address with Pin Code:
Mobile Number (s):
Landline Number (s): 
E-mail Address:
Alternate E-mail Address:

2.                    INTRODUCTION: Manuscript must be in British English prepared on a standard A4 size paper setting. It must be prepared on a single space and single column with 1” margin set for top, bottom, left and right. It should be typed in 8 point Calibri Font with page numbers at the bottom and centre of the every page.
3.                    MANUSCRIPT TITLE: The title of the paper should be in a 12 point Calibri Font. It should be bold typed, centered and fully capitalised.
4.                    AUTHOR NAME(S) & AFFILIATIONS: The author (s) full name, designation, affiliation (s), address, mobile/landline numbers, and email/alternate email address should be in italic & 11-point Calibri Font. It must be centered underneath the title.
5.                    ABSTRACT: Abstract should be in fully italicized text, not exceeding 250 words. The abstract must be informative and explain the background, aims, methods, results & conclusion in a single para.
6.                    KEYWORDS: Abstract must be followed by list of keywords, subject to the maximum of five. These should be arranged in alphabetic order separated by commas and full stops at the end.
7.                    HEADINGS: All the headings should be in a 10 point Calibri Font. These must be bold-faced, aligned left and fully capitalised. Leave a blank line before each heading.
8.                    SUB-HEADINGS: All the sub-headings should be in a 8 point Calibri Font. These must be bold-faced, aligned left and fully        capitalised. 
9.                    MAIN TEXT: The main text should be in a 8 point Calibri Font, single spaced and justified.
10.                FIGURES &TABLES: These should be simple, centered, separately numbered & self explained, and titles must be above the tables/figures. Sources of data should be mentioned below the table/figure. It should be ensured that the tables/figures are referred to from the main text.
11.                 EQUATIONS: These should be consecutively numbered in parentheses, horizontally centered with equation number placed at the right.
12.                 REFERENCES: The list of all references should be alphabetically arranged. It must be single spaced, and at the end of the manuscript. The author (s) should mention only the actually utilised references in the preparation of manuscript and they are supposed to follow Harvard Style of Referencing. The author (s) are supposed to follow the references as per following:
·                     All works cited in the text (including sources for tables and figures) should be listed alphabetically. 
·                     Use (ed.) for one editor, and (ed.s) for multiple editors. 
·                     When listing two or more works by one author, use --- (20xx), such as after Kohl (1997), use --- (2001), etc, in chronologically ascending order.
·                     Indicate (opening and closing) page numbers for articles in journals and for chapters in books. 
·                     The title of books and journals should be in italics. Double quotation marks are used for titles of journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, reports, working papers, unpublished material, etc.
·                     For titles in a language other than English, provide an English translation in parentheses. 
·                     The location of endnotes within the text should be indicated by superscript numbers.
PLEASE USE the following for style and punctuation in References:
·                     Bowersox, Donald J., Closs, David J., (1996), "Logistical Management." Tata McGraw, Hill, New Delhi. 
·                     Hunker, H.L. and A.J. Wright (1963), "Factors of Industrial Location in Ohio," Ohio State University. 
Contributions to books 
·                     Sharma T., Kwatra, G. (2008) Effectiveness of Social Advertising: A Study of Selected Campaigns, Corporate Social Responsibility, Edited by David Crowther, Ashgate Research Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility, Chapter 15, pp 287-303.
Journal and other articles 
·                     Gupta, M.K., Sreelata Neelesh and Bhavet (2010), "A study of Consumer Perception and Attitude in Footwear Industry," International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 229-244.
Conference papers 
·                     Garg Sambhav (2011): “Talent Management In Globalized Scenario" Paper presented at the 63rd All India Commerce Conference for the Faculty of Commerce, Goa University, Goa, India, 01–03 October, 2010.
Unpublished dissertations and theses 
·                     Kumar S. (2011): "Customer Value: A Comparative Study of Rural Customers," Thesis, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Online resources 
·         Always indicate the date that the source was accessed, as online resources are frequently updated or removed. 
·                     Bhavet (2011): Management of Determinants of Working Capital – An Uphill Task, International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 153-156, Viewed on June 30, 2011, http://ijrcm.org.in/comapp/index.php?type=Archives