Today, three Pakistani soldiers were killed in a gunfight between Indian and Pakistani troops in Kashmir, initiated by Pakistan. The two sides exchanged fire across the Line of Control, an internationally recognized line in Kashmir. A poll of http://venitism.blogspot.com shows 80% of people are disgusted with the terrorism of Pakistan.

There was a ceasefire violation by Pakistan, and Indian troops retaliated by firing. The Indian army post at Churuda, 100 km northwest of major city Srinagar, came under unprovoked heavy mortar and automatic gun fire for about five hours early today. Indians had to retaliate.

Pakistan is a terrorist nation. From the very beginning, the partnership between the US and Pakistan has been a marriage of convenience. Pervez Musharraf asserts it was a forced marriage. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage warned Pakistan shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to be prepared to be bombed, to be prepared to go back to the Stone Age! 

In the fall of 2001, Americans toppled the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Pakistan had previously helped to install the Taliban in power because it viewed it as an ally against its archenemy, India. So the end of the Taliban also meant the collapse of Pakistan's defensive strategy. Since then, Islamabad has worried that the US could hand over Pakistani intelligence to India. http://venitism.blogspot.com

There were more eighty ceasefire violations by Pakistan along the Line of Control in 2012, killing eight people. India and Pakistan have fought three wars since 1947, when they became independent from Britain. Pakistani security forces have long trained militant groups to attack Indian soldiers.

Islam is a dangerous ideology, not a religion. Islam fails four major tests that religions should fulfill: Adherence to a religion must be a personal choice; no religion should demand that those who leave it be killed; a religion must never mandate the subjugation of those who do not belong to it; a religion must be in accord with basic human rights. http://venitism.blogspot.com

Pakistan's strategy is supporting terrorists that attack India. Pakistan's nebulous position toward the Taliban led to circumstances in which the world's most wanted terrorist could reside safely under the nose of the military for six years. Al-Qaeda has links to the Taliban and to terrorists that target India. Thus Pakistan's soft stance toward these groups ends up facilitating al-Qaeda and its agenda. Indeed, bin Laden struck a deal with Pakistan's military leadership to ensure his safety in the country. This speaks volumes about the Pakistan's dual policies on terrorism. 

Franklin Roosevelt observed that wherever the Muslims have had a complete sway, wherever citizens have been unable to resist them by the sword, civility has ultimately disappeared. Roosevelt rejected as naive the notion that all religions are the same. Some religions give a higher value to each human life, and some religions and belief systems give a lower value. Our social values, including equality before the law, exist only because the Christians of Europe did what the Christians of Asia and Africa had failed to do – that is, to beat back the Moslem invader. http://venitism.blogspot.com

The Pakistan-based Haqqani, a veritable arm of Pakistan's intelligence agency, attacks U.S. embassies. While Haqqani have conducted attacks against U.S. and NATO soldiers in the past, embassy attacks now represent an escalation against U.S. Pakistan's support of insurgent groups and terrorists is the most significant obstacle to achieving stability in the area.

India and Pakistan fought their most recent war in 1999, when Pakistani troops crossed the Line of Control and occupied Indian territory in Kargil, but were forced to withdraw. After a period of quiet, relations between the two countries nosedived again in 2008, when a Pakistani militant squad rampaged through the Indian city of Mumbai, killing 166 people. In November, India executed a Pakistani man who was the last surviving perpetrator of the Mumbai attack.

Pakistan is in cahoots with terrorists, because Pakistan's security forces would prefer to be able to use terrorists to counter Indian influence in Afghanistan after most foreign combat troops have pulled out by the end of 2014. Pakistan is a society based on tribal groups. Each clan maintains a complicated network of relations, like a mafia. 

Under these conditions, it hardly seems imaginable that Osama bin Laden could have spent years living unnoticed just a stone's throw away from Pakistan's most elite military academy, an institution as assiduously guarded as the US's West Point or Great Britain's Sandhurst. Pakistani Intelligence officers knew about bin Laden's home, but they got kickbacks to keep it secret!