Rarest Animals

Our world once comprised of most naturally and unusually big creatures which are now found as ruins. But that was never all that our earth consisted of. Even today our globe carries such diverse living creatures which are simply scarce but amazing. They are rare, and not much is known about them, but they are definitely not becoming ruins now, as most of them are researched upon and the rest are taken care of in safe. Let’s learn about some of them.
Star Nose Moles
Star nosed moles, bizarre and creepy in appearance are rare and found in lowland areas of eastern Canada and northeast regions of the United States. They are only 15 to 20 centimeters long in length and only around 50 grams in weight. They contain thick blackish fuzz and considered sightless due to hardly visible eyes. This weird animal had outsized scaled feet and long broad tail.
They have pink fleshy tentacles attached to their nose, which are like feelers around the nostrils, and have more than 25,000 minute sensory receptors. An interesting fact about these moles is that these tentacles form only after birth by splitting open through their nose. These moles are seen more commonly near water like lakes, streams and ponds, where they also search for their most desired earthworms as food, but some of these moles have been spotted in dry meadows too.
Star nose moles are known as introverted beings, such that do not interact with other members too. These animals breed during the months of March and April and a female star nose mole only breeds once a year.
Proboscis Monkey
Also famous as the Long-nosed Monkey, the Proboscis Monkey is an Old World monkey. The monkey has a very large nose as well as a reddish brown color. Of course, its nose is the first thing to be noticed in its overall appearance, because it is simply distinct compared to any other monkey nose that you will see.
Its unique nose, generally measures up to seven inches in length, is only observed to be on the male monkeys. It is considered to have something to do with a breed ritual. The nose is not only an attraction because of its size, but it performs rare actions like swelling with blood when the monkey is angry or upset and also serves as a warning call.
The Proboscis Monkey is found in Borneo’s mangrove forests, swamps, and even the plain riparian forests. They can travel around easily in dry places, swim in low and deep water. Their unusual tendency is that they can shift so easily from one island to another, and can do so by simply walking straight in a sole procession.
Due to their large bellies, and some digestive disorders they eat mostly seeds, leaves, mangrove shoots, and unripe fruits.
In spite of their talent of remaining in the shades of the tropical forests, these monkeys are so often found swimming, such that they are caught by fishermen and kept as pets or for their skins. This is why, due to hunting and the loss of normal territory, there are only about 7,000 of them left the world over.
Tarsier are interestingly very tiny, such that an adult tarsier is only 5 inches big. And sometimes at some rare places, they are found in size of squirrels but with very long tails. They cannot walk, but hop if on ground and before getting to the ground they urinate on their trees to mark them.
Another very incredible thing about them is their strangely flexible necks that can turn up to 180 degrees!
The Rare White Lion
The White Lions are rare animals found in South Africa. They are not albinos, but a inherited scarcity, unique to one common region on the glob. Their white color is a result of rare color mutation of the Kruger breed of lion.
In white lions, the males are full-size, weighty and slow. Whereas, the females do most of the hunting.
They probably have this great drawback of having no camouflage, and a simple wandering would almost certainly not be able to get within range of prey animals.
It is hard to establish accurately how many white lions there are today, an approximation by a trust states that there are less than 300 White Lions world-wide.
As the white lions are very rare, they are detached from their natural habitation into a confined breeding agendas in South Africa and are kept in Zoos or circuses. This has mainly been done to save this rare being from getting hunted down and fall ultimately into a total extinction. It is sad, but a fact that today all white lions are found captive, although with an intention of saving them and protecting them.
Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus, rare and very cute little octopus is found deep down in oceans. This breed of octopus got its name from its strange flapping ears, which are connected to its round head-like body. Its arms are connected to one another, close to the tips, by “webbing”.
A weird fact about this octopus is that it grows only as big as 8 inches. But the male and female vary in size and pattern of suction pads. A female presumably lays eggs all year long instead of having a breeding season. The female will then lay the eggs underneath rocks and shells and leave them to fend for themselves.
A dumbo octopus has a very soft, jelly like body which allows it to live very deep under water. On an average, they live from 100 to 5,000 meters below sea level. Although they have also been found living as deep as 7,000 meters, the deepest depth of any octopus. It swims by flapping its fins, by escalating and constricting its webbed arms, or by shelling water through its cone-shaped part. Its strange quality is that it can use all of its techniques at the same time or use each one separately. They are really fine swimmers and are skilled of making a quick escape when required. These octopuses live mainly on crustaceans, worms, and bivalves.
Dumbo octopuses live almost on the floor of almost every ocean of the world and are not considered an endangered species.