How they easily cheat us? Illinois State University


Department of Accounting 

Campus Box 5520

Normal, Il 61790-5520

Phone: (309)438-7651

Facsimile : (309)438-8431 

July 22, 2009

Thank you for your interest in the Assistant/Associate Professor Position in the Department of Accounting at Illinois State University. I have attached a voluntary information form that you may e-mail rrkovar@ilstu.edu , fax, or mail to the Office of Diversity (see address below) at your convenience.


Gerry McKean, Interim Chairperson

Illinois State University

Office for Diversity and Affirmative Action

Hovey Hall 208
Campus Box 1280
Normal, IL 61790-1280
Fax: (309) 438-7395


(if emailing, please include “ VIF Form” in the subject line of your e-mail)

Nancy Ferrero

Department of Accounting

Campus Box 5520

301 College of Business Building

Illinois State University

Normal, IL 61790-5520


309-438-8431 (fax)

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.