Call for Papers

Dear Professor\Colleagues\Authors
Dear Professor (s) \ Colleague (s) \ Author (s)

International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed free access online journal published monthly by The Economic and Social Development Organization (TESDO).  IJEER publishes research work of significant interest that contributes to theoretical and empirical bases of world economy. The researchers can submit original Research articles as an email attachment at ijeertesdo@gmail.com for review. All manuscripts are subject to double blind review and will be assessed based on their quality by the reviewers.  Papers will be reviewed and feedback will be given to authors as soon as possible to complete the review process. The detail information about publication in IJEER can be viewed at http://www.tesdo.org/Publication.aspx. It is published on the monthly basis covering a wide range of topics including:
Ø  Agriculture Economics
Ø   Computational Economics
Ø   Conflict, Peace and Development Studies
Ø   Development Economics
Ø   Devine Economics
Ø   Econometrics
Ø   Economic and Strategic Modeling
Ø   Education Economics
Ø   Financial Development
Ø   Financial Economics
Ø   Fiscal and Monetary Polices
Ø  Growth Strategies and Development Tools
Ø  Health Economics
Ø  History of Economic Thoughts
Ø  Income and Wealth Distribution
Ø  Industrial Economics
Ø  Institutional Economics
Ø  International Finance
Ø  International Trade
Ø  Islamic Finance and Economics
Ø  Labor Economics
Ø  Macroeconomics
Ø  Microeconomics
Ø   Operational Research
Ø  Population Economics
Ø  Public Finance
Ø  Religious (Religion) Economics
Ø  Applied Statistics
Ø  Transportation Economics
Ø  Urban Economics
Ø  World Development Organization (WTO)

We look forward to your contribution.
International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER) has assigned for ISSN:2310-5232 (online).

International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER) has been indexation in:

Research Papers in Economics (RePEC), EconStorGoogle ScholarInomicsMicrosoft Academic SearchOAISter/WORLDCATScirusSciverseDirectory of Research Journals Indexing.

Moreover IJEER applied for indexing process in Cabell’s, Ulrich’s, DOAJ, Index Copernicus International and EBSCO, ISI, ERIC, Econlit, Scopus and Journalseek very soon.

Muhammad Shahbaz
Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Infromation Technology, Lahore Campus, Pakistan

Editor in Chief
International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research