Call for Papers


Dear Author (s)
We are glad to inform you that a platform as EPRA Trust Journals has been established to explore your valuable research to the academic world at the lowest cost.  At present submission open for the JUNE publication journals;
  1. EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth and Environmental Issues-Print ISSN-2321-6247
  2. EPRA International Journal of  Economic and Business Review-Online ISSN: 2347-9671(Impact Factor 0.998)
Subject Category:Economics, Commerce, Management, Sociology, Education, Environmental Studies, Women Studies and related all subjects.
The following are the details of the same;
Last Date for Submission: 30.5.14
Publication Date (Expected): 15.6.14
Publication Fee (Single Author): Rs.1500 Only,
Co-Authors (Each): Rs.500 Only
Submission: Throught the Year
Publication Date (Expected): 5th of Every Month
Publication Fee (Single Author): Rs.750 Only,
Co-Authors (Each): Rs.250 Only
¿  Current issue abstract available at:http://epratrust.com/current-issue-abstract/#.U1djhvmSwas
¿  Online Journal details: http://epratrust.com/online/
Ê  There is no subscription fee,
Ê  There is no Submission or Processing fee,
Ê  There is no any hidden fee,
Ê  We are collecting the publication fee after acceptance of the paper.
ÊEmail response within 12 hours
ÊPaper Acceptance within 7 Days
ÊWe are providing  Hard copy of Publication Certificates to all authors, both Print & Online Journal publications.
            We invite you to submit manuscripts preferably online at
             E-mail: submission@epratrust.com or submissionepra@gmail.com 
If your good self have any queries, please contact us on the following-mentioned mail address.

Sincerely Yours,
Chief Editor,
Post Box No: 1986,
Tiruchirapalli-620 009,
Tamil Nadu, India

Dear MBA teaching fertnity,

I have an opening for finance faculty in Chennai if u or your friends are planning to shift pls send ur CVs to dr.parkavi@issm.in .

Eligibility MBA finance passionate in teaching.


Call for Papers
2014 ISIS-VENICE, ITALY International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit
Theme: “Multiple Perspectives on Strategy and Innovation: From Theory to Practice”
Organized by
Institute of Strategic and International Studies®-ISISTM
International Academy for Advancement of Business Research®-IAABRTM
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy
Texas Tech University System, Lubbock, Texas, USA
Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA
Hosted by
Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy
C0-Sponsored by
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy
Texas Tech University System, Lubbock, Texas, USA
Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA
Dates: JULY 79, 2014
Place: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, San Giobbe, Venice, Italy
2014 ISIS-Venice ITALY International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit will incorporate the following International Conferences:
· 2014 Venice Business and Economics International Conference
· 2014 Venice Humanities International Conference
· 2014 Venice Political Science and Legal Studies International Conference
· 2014 Venice Engineering and Information Technology International Conference
FOUR CONFERENCES, ONE LOCATION! You are invited to join the2014 Venice Business and Economics International Conference; 2014 Venice Humanities International Conference; 2014 Venice Political Science and Legal Studies International Conference; and 2014 Venice Engineering and Information Technology International Conference in VENICE, also known as"Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light"!
The conferences are on the same days, at the same venue, and ONE REGISTRATION FEE will allow you to ATTEND ALL FOUR CONFERENCES and to have YOUR PAPER PUBLISHED in one of the double-blind peer-reviewed journals sponsoring the conferences!
The VENICE, ITALY International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit offers the expected participants from around the World the popular ISIS 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE: 2 OPPORTUNITIES (an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper in one of ISIS peer-refereed publications + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM) for 1 LOW FEE!!!Participants in any of the Summit’s conferences can attend ALL sessions and other functions at the International Academic Summit in Venice (not just the sessions and functions limited to their own conference)!
Keynote Speaker of the International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit will be Dr. Joseph C. Rallo, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the Texas Tech University System, Texas, USA.
Journals Sponsoring 2014 ISIS/IAARB -Venice ITALY International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit:
· Journal of Strategic and International Studies
· Review of Strategic and International Studies
· Journal of Academy for Advancement of Business Research
· Review of Business and Economic Studies
· Review of Social Studies, Law, and Psychology
The Editors and Editorial Board Members of the ISIS/IAABR journals are truly distinguished faculty, who earned their Doctoral degrees from leading academic institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and who are holders of numerous international awards, among which is the recognition as "The Most Outstanding World Researcher". All members of the ISIS/IAABR Academic Boards represent recognized universities from all continents.
Papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Ethics, Communication & Media, e-Business, e-Government, e-Learning, Ecology, Economics, Engineering, Environment & Life Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Gender Studies, Globalization, Human Resources, Information Technology, Law & Legal Studies, Leadership, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Security Studies, Social Sciences, Social Work, and Sustainable Development are invited to be considered (following strictly the rules of the double-blind peer-refereed process) for the above international conferences, which are expected to attract authors from nearly all parts of the World to VENICE. People without papers can also participate in these conferences, and they are invited to serve asSESSION CHAIRS or DISCUSSANTS, as well as informal contributors to the academic quality of this international event.
To submit your full paper or abstract for one of these conferences, please email it as an attachment (acceptable formats are .doc and .docx;) toConference@ISISWorld.org, or use the ISIS Submission System via the following link: http://www.isisworld.org/conferences/submission/.
All conference submissions will be double blind peer-refereed by members of the Academic Summit Review Committee. Authors will be notified of the review outcome within 2-3 weeks after the arrival of their submissions.
FULL PAPERS submitted by JUNE 10TH, 2014 will be considered for publication in one of the double-blind, peer-refereed Journals Sponsoring 2014 ISIS-Venice ITALY International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit or the refereed Conference Proceedings with ISBN number. The authors of these articles will receive their publications in person while still attending the International Academic Summit in Venice (one copy per a registered participant will be provided free of charge).
Authors of ABSTRACTS submitted by JUNE 20TH, and which would meet the selection criteria of the Academic Summit Review Committee, will be given the chance to present their work in progress at the 2014International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit in Venice. These abstracts will be published in a separate section of the refereedProceedings with ISBN number. If the authors decide to complete their work in progress after the end of the Academic Summit in Venice, they could also submit their COMPLETED PAPERS by September 15th, 2014, in order to be considered for publication in a later issue of one of the double-blind, peer-refereed ISIS Journals .
Authors, who could NOT travel to Venice for visa or other reasons, mayPARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY in the Venice Academic Summit, and these authors will have the same publication opportunities, as the regular conferences’ presenters.
Regular Registration Deadline: JUNE 15TH, 2014
The regular registration fee is €295 (the reduced registration fee for virtual participants via Skype is €275), and the regular registration feeincludes: 1) the popular ISIS 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE: 2 OPPORTUNITIES (an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper in one of ISIS peer-refereed publications + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM) for 1 LOW FEE; 2) one printed issue of the journal or Proceedings CD containing your paper; 3) an Official Certificate for International Conference participation; 4) the International Academic Summit Luncheon and Keynote Address; 5) Attending all Academic Summit’s sessions 6) Attending all Social and Networking events; 7) Attending the Welcome Reception and Coffee Breaks; 8) Listing of your presentation in the International Academic Summit Program; 9) an Opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and network with your international colleagues in a friendly environment 10) Explore the history and culture of Venice, ITALY!
For any inquiries, please contact the Academic Summit’s Organizing Committee viaadmin@ISISWorld.org, or visit the Conference Website www.ISISWorld.org/europe/
International Academic Summit Chair: Prof. Dr. Carlo Bagnoli, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy